• СКР возбудил очередное дело в отношении жителя Ингушетии уехавшего воевать в Сирию

    Syrian soldiers, who have defected to join the Free Syrian Army, hold up their rifles as they secure a street in Saqba, in Damascus suburbs, in this January 27, 2012 file photo. People have described Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Reuters as a head of state fully abreast of events on the ground - not the mere puppet of hardliners that some have portrayed - "relaxed and phlegmatic", and determined to see off the challenge, offering some reforms, strictly on his own terms. While few rate his long-term prospects highly, all is not lost, at least for now. Assad's troops swiftly drove back the more lightly armed rebels from the outskirts of Damascus and many foresee a long struggle yet for a country, at the heart of the Middle East, that is trapped in a "balance of weakness". Picture taken January 27, 2012. To match Insight SYRIA/ASSAD   REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah/Files (SYRIA - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS MILITARY)

    Следственным отделом по городу Карабулак СУ СКР по Ингушетии по материалам проверки, проведенной республиканским УФСБ, возбуждено уголовное дело в отношении 22-летнего жителя республики. Он подозревается в совершении преступления, предусмотренного ч.2 ст.208 УК РФ (участие на территории иностранного государства в вооруженном формировании, не предусмотренном законодательством данного государства, в целях, противоречащих интересам РФ) , — говорится в сообщении опубликованном на сайте Управления СКР по Ингушетии.Syrian soldiers, who have defected to join the Free Syrian Army, hold up their rifles as they secure a street in Saqba, in Damascus suburbs, in this January 27, 2012 file photo. People have described Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Reuters as a head of state fully abreast of events on the ground - not the mere puppet of hardliners that some have portrayed - "relaxed and phlegmatic", and determined to see off the challenge, offering some reforms, strictly on his own terms. While few rate his long-term prospects highly, all is not lost, at least for now. Assad's troops swiftly drove back the more lightly armed rebels from the outskirts of Damascus and many foresee a long struggle yet for a country, at the heart of the Middle East, that is trapped in a "balance of weakness". Picture taken January 27, 2012. To match Insight SYRIA/ASSAD REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah/Files (SYRIA - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS MILITARY)

    По данным следствия, в июле 2013 года подозреваемый уехал в Сирию, где вступил в незаконное вооруженное формирование «Катиба Ахмада» и принимает активное участие в боевых действиях против правительственных сил Сирии.

    По уголовному делу проведены следственные действия: допрошены родственники и знакомые подозреваемого, в деталях установлен маршрут его передвижения в Сирию и др.

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